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From Banking to Aromatics: The Story of a Fragrance Connoisseur

  • 2024-04-12

In the realm of aromatics, Chen Jianbing isn't just a perfumer; he's also a calligrapher, a fragrance blender, and a master of the ancient art of incense. Raised surrounded by fragrances, he's dedicated himself to crafting and promoting natural scents, immersing himself completely in the preservation of China's traditional aromatic culture.


From childhood, fragrance has been Chen Jianbing's closest companion, leading him to meet many mentors and friends along the way. It was then that the seeds of fragrance were planted in his life. "This is where my pride lies, and it's the greatest wealth of my life," he says.

Despite his deep love for fragrances, Chen Jianbing didn't initially pursue perfumery as a profession. He started off in the banking sector, seeking stability. However, a visit to a factory producing synthetic fragrances in Xiang'an left a lasting impression on him.

"The air was filled with chemical fumes, dust was everywhere, and workers were covered head to toe, barely visible behind thick masks," he recalls. Realizing the scale of synthetic fragrance production, he couldn't turn a blind eye. "Using these fragrances is akin to poisoning oneself! As a Buddhist, I cannot contribute to the spread of chemical toxins."


This experience prompted Chen Jianbing to embark on his journey to create natural fragrances. The idea came to him spontaneously, as if preordained. Thus, with the phrase "妙吉祥" (Miao Ji Xiang) appearing in his mind, symbolizing auspiciousness and wonder, he found a new direction in life.

Leaving his banking job behind, Chen Jianbing entered the world of perfumery. However, the industry was already saturated with synthetic fragrances, making his entrepreneurial journey far from easy.


Despite the challenges, Chen Jianbing persevered, believing in the importance of offering affordable, natural fragrances to the public. He devoted himself to every aspect of the fragrance-making process, striving to align with nature.

To him, making fragrances is akin to living a righteous life. He insists on meticulous craftsmanship and adherence to ethical standards. Within just a few years, his brand "妙吉祥" gained recognition in the industry, becoming a household name.


Yet, Chen Jianbing's pursuit extends beyond physical products. As more Chinese rediscover the art of fragrance appreciation, the role of fragrance masters is gaining prominence. In 2013, "妙吉祥" established China's first legally recognized school for training fragrance masters, attracting students from across the country and Southeast Asia.

Two years later, "妙吉祥" was designated as a science education base by the Xiamen government, becoming the largest and most comprehensive center for fragrance education in China. Consequently, it earned the nickname "Fragrance Academy," a testament to Chen Jianbing's efforts in promoting aromatic culture.

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